Nawazuddin Siddiqui is shooting in Delhi for a romantic role in a Sohail Khan film, even as his Anurag Kashyap film gears up for a Cannes premiere. Delhi Times speaks to him about the various worlds he inhabits as an actor For many actors, having a Cannes premiere for a movie would be an unexpected high; for Nawazuddin Siddiqui, however, it would simply be deja vu. The actor, who by now has a very large volume of Cannes-presence projects, goes into flashback mode with DT on what's changed since the Cannes premiere of 'Gangs Of Wasseypur' and 'Miss Lovely' in 2012, as his next film also prepares for a Cannes premiere. We had a chat at Cannes in 2012 after the premiere of Gangs Of Wasseypur...